Work Order List and Search Features
The Work Order List and Search features, accessible in the left pane, are used to identify and locate work orders. The following sections describe the unique characteristics of the Work Order List and Work Order Search tabs.
List Pane
Work Order Filters
The Work Order module includes a large number of predefined filters to make it easy to find records of importance. The predefined filters are listed in the Filter menu at the top of the Work Order List:
The predefined filters are based on the status of work orders, their assignment state, their relationship to you, and some date associations such as overdue or today’s requests.
These filters allow you to create a working list of items to display in the Work Order List. For example, selecting the Unassigned filter would list all unassigned work orders. You could then scroll through each work order and complete the necessary assignments without having to conduct any additional searches.
Some predefined filters also allow you to quickly identify problem areas or work orders requiring attention, such as the All Open – Overdue filter.
Some filters are organized into logical groupings of work orders. This means that in addition to independent filters for Closed, Denied, and Canceled, there is also a filter for All Closed which would return work orders with all of the above closed status designations.
Lastly, at the bottom of the Work Order Filter List, are any custom work order filters defined for your organization.
There are two default filter criteria you should be aware of:
The default work order filters limit results to work orders with target dates within the last six months. This ensures that there are not too many results returned with a given filter selection.
Access a work order that is more than six months old:
Click the Set Criteria button in the toolbar
The Criteria window opens, allowing you to view and/or alter the current settings.
Change the Target Date setting to All.
The six month limit is cleared.
There are two separate controls for Location and Asset on the Work Order Criteria window to assist in locating work orders that are indirectly tied to an asset through the Work Order Tasks tab:
The Location control returns any work order tied to the specified asset or location, or any Asset/Location below that level of the hierarchy. With this option, the asset must be directly tied to the work order on the Work Order Details tab.
The Asset control returns all work orders tied to the specified asset, either directly on the Work Order Details tab, or indirectly on the Work Order Tasks tab. With this search option, only work orders tied to the specific Asset/Location are returned. The system does not search down the list for additional matches.
Work Order List Columns
The records displayed in the Work Order List include identifying information and important visual clues as to the status and assignment state of each work order. Work orders that are bold have a status of Requested, and have not yet been issued.
The fields displayed on the Work Order List, and the order in which they are displayed, can be configured by your organization. If the list is sorted by Target Date, a row marked TODAY is inserted to show the current date relative to work order due dates.
The Work Order List can be stylized to emphasize records that meet specified criteria. For example, if specified by your organization, all work orders that are more than 5 days overdue could be listed in Red Boldface Type.
The Work Order List always includes the following indicators:
Priority and Zone: The first column displays any special level of urgency / priority. If a work order has a critical priority,
is displayed. If a work order has low priority,
is displayed. In addition, if your company organizes work orders by zone, color coding for zones may be displayed.
Status: The second column displays a clipboard icon, providing a visual indicator of work order status. Each icon shows a clipboard with a small image on the left signifying the current status of the work order. The color of the image indicates the source of the work order.
White images indicate a corrective work order that was generated through the Service Requester or manually entered by an administrator.
Orange images indicate the work order was automatically generated through a preventive maintenance schedule.
The icons described in the list below appear in the Status column:
Requested: Clipboard with phone: Work order was requested, but has not yet been issued.
Issued: Clipboard with hammer: Work order has been issued and is in progress.
On Hold: Clipboard with clock: Work order has been placed on hold.
Closed: Clipboard with pencil: Work order has been completed and is now closed.
Denied: Clipboard with red circle: Work order was denied; request was never issued.
Canceled: Clipboard with red x: Work order was canceled; request was originally issued, but later canceled.
Approval Status: For organizations that require work order approval, the third column displays a clipboard icon providing a visual indicator of approval state.
Work orders requiring/pending approval show a blue question mark.
Work orders that have been approved have a check mark.
Work orders that have been rejected show a red x.
If the work order does not require approval, the column is blank.
Whether or not a particular work order requires approval depends on the access rights of the individual initiating the request.
Assignment State: Assignment state is the last indicator displayed. Work orders that have been assigned have a clipboard icon with a person on the left . The column is blank for work orders that have not been assigned.
Organizations that are using an early version of the offline Maintenance Connection Mobile Software see a PDA icon if the work order is locked for use by a PDA user.
Additional columns which may have been configured by your organization typically include identifying information such as Work Order ID and Reason:
Work Order ID: The Work Order ID is automatically generated when a work order is created and is unique for each work order. Work Order ID is incremented each time a new work order is generated. Depending on the preference set by your organization, the Work Order ID may have a prefix indicating the Repair Center ID.
In an organization that includes repair center as the prefix, sequential Work Order IDs for the repair center MAIN would look like: MAIN-1435, MAIN-1436. Whereas, in an organization that does not use repair centers as a prefix, the Work Order IDs would look like: 1435, 1436, 1437, and so on.
Reason / Description: The Reason field provides a description of the work order, typically describing the reason it was generated. This field is displayed at the top of the Work Order Detail tab.
If the work order is generated through a service request, this field lists the description entered by the requester.
If the work order is generated through a preventive maintenance schedule, this column lists the designated procedure name.